MiQuant® CAR-T Cell dPCR Lenti

Cat. No.: 58-0701

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The MiQuant® CAR-T Cell dPCR Lenti kit is intended for the determination of vector copy numbers (VCN) in transduced cells to determine the average copies of integrated lentiviral vectors per cell genome after ex vivo transduction of human or other mammalian cells. This kit works for all lentivirus transduction systems.

Type of PCR

Digital PCR (dPCR)

Recommended Use

MiQuant® CAR-T Cell dPCR Lenti can be used for the characterization of cellular products and for in-process control as well as final QC release testing in cell therapy production processes.
Besides these applications the MiQuant® CAR-T Cell dPCR Lenti kit can also be used for determining VCN in cell culture samples in research and development and is applicable for human or other mammalian cells (such as mice and rats).

Kit Components
  • MiQuant® Lenti Mix (lyophilized)
  • Positive Control DNA (lyophilized)
  • Rehydration Buffer
  • dPCR grade Water
Package Size

Cat. No. 58-0701: 24 reactions

Cat. No. 58-0702: 4 x 24 reactions

Result Evaluation

Absolute Quantification

Required Consumables
  • QIAcuity® Nanoplate 26k 24-well
  • MiQuant® SP Beads (sample preparation kit, Cat. No. 56-4010/-4100)
  • 1.5 ml reaction tubes, DNA- and RNA-free


  • VCN Standard (Cat. No.58-0801)
  • Restriction enzymes (EcoRI-HF and NruI-HF; 20 U/μl)
  • PCR Clean™ (Cat. No. 15-2025 and 15-2001)
Required Lab Device
  • QIAcuity® digital PCR device
  • Microcentrifuge for 1.5 ml PCR tubes
  • Vortex mixer
  • Pipettes with corresponding filter tips
Shelf Life and Storage

Shipment at ambient temperature. The expiry date of the unopened package is marked on the package label. The kit components must be stored at +2 to +8°C until use. The rehydrated components must be stored at ≤ -18°C for a maximum of one month.

Calculate the Vector Copy Number with our tool.
Data Analysis Application